Monday, 20 June 2011

Jukola - check out the 3D rerun from Ross Morrison

"A cool race" comments Ross Morrison as he launches his European campaign at the legendary Jukola overnight relays in Finland (where Ross will be based for an indeterminate time). 
Here is the link to the 3d rerun; if you hold ctrl and click on the start triangle then click on the camera by Ross's name to follow him (the GPS is a bit out on the 1st control but then its all good).
If you ctrl click on the 4th control (it mass starts them from the 4th) then you can see he's running pretty close to the leaders pace, with 300 people out there in the way.;829,-24922;4555,-24923;4592,-24925;4646,-24924;4715,-24926;4696,-24928;4652,-24931;4598,-24932;4617

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